We’ll begin Stage 1 of the City of Kamloops’s Victoria Street West Improvements Project on Monday, April 15th, starting at the East end of the corridor near 1st Ave. Our work will be carried out in four stages over the next 18 months to 2 years.

Construction will take place Monday–Friday, 7:00 am–5:30 pm, with additional night and weekend work as required, as the project progresses. Two lanes of traffic (one in each direction) will be maintained through the construction zone.

  • The $13 million project will involve utility replacement and undergrounding; road reconstruction; and improved pedestrian access, lighting, and landscaping.

Pedestrian & Business Access 

Pedestrian access and access to all businesses along Victoria Street West will be maintained throughout the project. Special routing consideration has been given for emergency vehicles, transit, and local business traffic.

Businesses on Victoria Street West will remain open and accessible throughout all stages of the construction period.